Monday, April 8, 2013


Multiflow Computer: A Start-up Odyssey is in the process of being rolled out for the Nook, the Sony e-reader, Aldiko (Android), Kobo (Apple and Android), Stanza (Apple devices), the iTunes book store, the Google Play book store, Smashwords, and elsewhere.

But it is available right now at Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. If you want an e-book and have an Apple or Android device, why wait for the other versions? There is a free Kindle app on iTunes, and for Android there is a free Kindle app at the Google Play store.

The Amazon sites include at least:  US, Canada (Kindle only), UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil (Kindle only), and Japan (Kindle only).

Other sources available today:
  • Barnes and Noble Nook
  • Kobo reader for Apple and Android
  • Aldiko reader for Android (go to the Smashwords store built into Aldiko)
  • (.mobi, .epub and.pdf all available)